Are Dogs Allowed at Lowe’s?
Are dogs allowed at Lowe’s Home Improvement? Yes, dogs are allowed at lowes home improvement stores. However, there are a few guidelines that you should follow. First and foremost, make sure that your dog is kept on a leash at all times while in the store. Second, be sure to clean up after your pet….
Are dogs allowed at Lowe’s Home Improvement?
Yes, dogs are allowed at lowes home improvement stores. However, there are a few guidelines that you should follow.

First and foremost, make sure that your dog is kept on a leash at all times while in the store. Second, be sure to clean up after your pet.
Lastly, make sure that your dog does not knock over any items or distract other customers.
The Dos
Control Your Dog
Make sure your dog is well-behaved and under control at all times. This means keeping them on a leash and cleaning up after them.
Avoid Disturbing Customers
Keep your dog away from any areas where customers are likely to be disturbed, such as the cash registers or the shelves. Your dog should also avoid knocking over any items or distracting other customers.
Avoid Aggressive Behavior
Do not encourage aggressive behavior in your dog by rewarding them when they act out. Be firm with them when necessary, but do not use physical punishment.
Bring treats
Bring treats to keep your dog occupied while you are shopping. Make is calming and rewarding activity to reinforce confidence and good behavior.
The Don’ts
Don’t Let Your Dog Chew On Products
Packages that have or have not been opened should not be chewed by your dog.
Don’t Leave Your Dog Alone in the Store
Please attend to your dog at all times, do not leave it alone in the store.
Destructive or aggressive behavior
Make sure your dog is calm and not aggressive towards other shoppers.
Don’t leave the poop
If your dog accidentally poops in the store, please make sure to pick up.
Lowes Home Improvements Pet Policy
According to Lowe’s, Service animals and pets are allowed in all US Lowe’s stores. In Canada, only service animals are permitted. Being pet-friendly allows Lowe’s to reinforce their commitment to customer experience